Flipping the coin: Using critical literacies in EFL education
Fecha del evento: 16 de abril a las 2 PM
In the past, EFL education centered mostly on enabling students to learn the formal features of the language in order to use them purposefully in any communicative situation. Nowadays, the emergence of new approaches have prioritized students’ meaning-making process as a way to enhance their critical and creative thinking. In this workshop, the authors present a research experience that intends to provide ideas on how to incorporate strategies that promote critical thinking in the EFL classroom or other educational environments.
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCuohP60ktGwcWMmslH6Ktr6F9yQqMZYh4cuYzr6qWxcloiA/viewform
More info: Jorge Enrique Muñoz Oyola – jmunoz@usbbog.edu.co – 300 315 24 84